The Orange Lunchbox Brigade
Technical Review Papers

the main

 - main page
 - about me
 - l.o.u.n.g.e.
 - r.e.t.a.r.d.
 - s.o.l. meter
 - s.c.r.e.a.m.
 - videos

the l.o.u.n.g.e.

 - overview
 - 2006 edition
 - 2007 edition
 - 2008 edition
 - control

the s.c.r.e.a.m.

 - main page
 - tech review
 - proposal
 - draft summary

the r.e.t.a.r.d.

 - overview
 - assignment
 - proposal
 - requirements
 - timeline
 - the core

the s.o.l. meter

 - overview
 - car modification
 - meter design
 - meter input

Before embarking on the design and implementation of the s.c.r.e.a.m., the Orange Lunchbox Brigade first researched existing technology in the areas of digital music synthesis and automated music generation.

The Orange Lunchbox Brigade found that little work had been done in automated music generation, but also found that digital synthesizers were a highly developed field.

The written technical review papers can be found below:

Automated Music Generation
  Ryan Curtin
  [pdf]   [html]

Digital Synthesis of Music
  Chad D. Kersey
  [pdf]   [html]